“TIME TO MAKE THE MOVE” is a Erasmus project that our students to gain healthy life and nutrition awareness and sports, to gain the habit of exercise, at the same time to raise awareness on this awareness we have decided to execute our project. With this project, awareness will be created by creating awareness for a healthy generation, fighting with a sedentary lifestyle and organizing educational activities. Respect and tolerance to other cultures, intercultural learning, teamwork in cooperation, language skills and trust between them will be strengthened.




 País: United Kingdom

EscolaDines Green Primary Academy 



País: Turkey

EscolaAbdurrahman Vardar Ilkokulu

País: France

Escola:Ecole élémentaire du Careï-OCCE 06

País: Spain

Escola:Ceip Catalina de Aragon

País: Hungary

Escola:Kobanyai Szervatiusz Jeno Altalanos Iskola

País: Portugal

Escola:EB1/PE do Covão e Vargem

Mobilidade England

Dia Internacional da Mulher

2ª Webinar ERPASS

Project Evaluation

Outras Atividades


S. Martinho



Atividade Física