The theme of the project is cinema and animation. The project intertwines artistic expression with technological tools in a path that makes cinema and animation incisive means of communication and at the same time means for personal development. From the analysis of the context of the single schools it emerged that all the involved institutions have as their priority objective the complete development of the person.




País: Itália

EscolaIstituto comprensivo 3 Chieti



País: Grécia

Escola1st Experimental Primry School, Alexandroupolis, Greece

País: Espanha

EscolaEscola Castanyers

País: Roménia

EscolaColegiul National Gheorghe Lazar Sibiu

País: Turquia


País: Portugal

Escola:EB1/PE do Covão e Vargem

Visita do Cineasta

CIAk in Madeira 2nd Day

Erasmus Days

Silent movie 2

Silent movie 4

Cidadão Digital

Covid sob o olhar das crianças

Mobilidade 30 novembro

As aventuras da Lagarta

Silent movie 1

Silent movie 3

CIAK silent movie

Dia da Gratidão